
I like communication and showing and explaining what I know and do. I also like cooking, dancing and running.

Opening the post-box and coming across letters or packages is intriguing, but it isn’t the only way to contact me.  You can send me an email or look me up on social media to sneak a peek at the work I upload (I’m sure I will do the same with yours).  That being said, let’s always be respectful. Keep it in mind!

Ah! I also give private tuition and talks.


If you stumble across a beautiful bottle,

you can also get your message to me by throwing it into the sea with your message inside. I like to spend time on the beach.

4 I took this photo of my shadow one day when the tide was low, loitering under the watchful eye of Izaro island and the Gaviota gas platform.

I’m a graphic designer who is more productive in bad weather. I love illustration and animation. I’m also king of the “what-ifs”2 and a fine detail specialist.

2 Iturbe, A. (2012, September). Badaezpada. Berria.

© 2025 Ibon Markaida Llorente

Website made with the big help of Unai, Claudia, Adam and others than helped on its creation.